Written by: Guest blogger

Some of us have a kitchen at work where we can store our lunch in a fridge, grab a cup of coffee, warm up soup or chili in the microwave and even a place to make toast.  Making toast is one of those things we just expect people to know how to do, for it to be simple and yet research shows just how complex our brains and behaviours are in how we view and break down a task.


Imagine if you were explaining to someone who had never seen a toaster and had never seen a piece of bread.  How would you describe “How to Make Toast”?  Watch this video to see how differently we all describe it as well as the power of collective contribution and brainstorming.

This is an amazing example of systems thinking & problem solving.  Sometimes it’s the simple things that can bring us great insight into our complicated issues.


Ted Wujec – Ted talk- Got a wicked problem?

Ressouces: http://www.drawtoast.com/